Meyer is represented all over the world and coordinates the individual concerns of our customers from the company center in Rötz.
Maschinenfabrik Herbert
Meyer GmbH
Herbert-Meyer-Str. 1
D-92444 Roetz, Germany
T: +49 9976 2080
F: +49 9976 1510
Country | Representative | Main focus | Adress | Phone |
Albania | Elektroterm | Clothing | Vinogradi Ludbredski 72 42230 Ludbreg Republik Kroatien | +385-42-81 91 21 |
Algeria | D.M.M.T. | Clothing | Matiéres et Matériels Textiles 52 Coopérative Cirta Les Orangers Rouiba 16012 Alger Algerien | +213-21855447 |
Argentina | FREE-TEX SRL | Clothing | Mitre 955 Florida Oeste (1604) Buenos Aires Argentina | 0054-11-760 2211 |
Bangladesh | DAD Int'l (BD) Ltd. | Clothing | (Station for Apparel Machinery) Mascot Plaza 13th Floor, Plot #107/A, Sector #07, Uttara Model Town Dhaka 1230 Bangladesh | +880-2-892-3571 |
Belarus | BelPfaffcentr- GmbH | Clothing | ul. Tereschkovoj, 26-8-2, 210009 Vitebsk, Belarus | +375-212-26 13 78 |
Bosnia-Herzegowina | Elektroterm | Clothing | Vinogradi Ludbredski 72 42230 Ludbreg Republik Kroatien | +385-42-81 91 21 |
Bosnia-Herzegowina | Commerce trgovina d.o.o. | Industries | Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija | +386 (0) 1 474 11 00 |
Brazil | AVW SYSTEMTECHNIK IBERICA, S.L. | Clothing & Industries | Av/ Gregorio Gea, 48-4 46920 Mislata (Valencia) | +34 609986735 |
Bulgaria | otto kühnen karlovo | Clothing & Industries | Graf Ignatiev Str.N 10A, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria | +359 888 304798 |
Canada | Meyer USA, LLC | Clothing & Industries | 21 Long Meadow Road Riverside, CT 06878 U.S.A. | 001-203-637 9349 |
China | C. ILLIES TRADING (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. | Clothing & Industries | Room 704-705, Innov Tower, Block A, No. 1801 Hongmei Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200233, P.R. China | +86(21)6485 1272 |
Croatia | Elektroterm | Clothing | Vinogradi Ludbredski 72 42230 Ludbreg, Croatia | +385-42-81 91 21 |
Croatia | Commerce trgovina d.o.o. | Industries | Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija | +386 (0) 1 474 11 00 |
Czech Republic | otto kühnen praha | Clothing & Industries | Boleslavka 3, 25001 Brandys n.L./Stara Boleslav, Czech Republic | +420 326 396080 |
Estlonia | Pavel Baltic Group OÜ | Clothing | Laki 11 12915 Tallinn Estonia | 00372-6563788 |
France | Flexicutting Group | Clothing & Industries | 7 rue Victor Hugo, 49450 Saint-Macaire-en-Mauges, France | +33 09 73 23 46 21 |
Great Britain | Mey-Tech Ltd. | Clothing & Industries | Unit G7, Navigation Close Lowfield Business Park Elland West Yorkshire HX5 9HB United Kingdom | 0044-1422-371 000 |
Hungary | otto kühnen budapest | Clothing & Industries | Gyöngyvirág u.35, 2013 Pomáz, Hungary | +36 309 772729 |
Indonesia | PT Gerindo Dwidaya Manunggal | Clothing & Industries | Jl. Dangdeur Indah No. 11A Bandung 40164 Indonesien | +4937752 61750 / +62 22 2008347 |
Israel | ORMI Machines & Equipment for Sewing Industry Ltd. | Clothing | 5 Hayesod St., Beit Merkazim Tel Aviv 68167 Israel | 00972-3-681 3141 |
Italia | Alkotex s.r.l. | Clothing & Industries | Rappresentante Macchine per I'Industria Tessile Via Varese, 27 20851 Lissone (MB) Italien | +39 039 460 159 |
Japan | Nikko Tecno Co. Inc. | Industries | No. 1-18, Toyotsu-cho, Suita-city (Eclat Esaka Bldg.) Central Osaka Japan | 0081-6-6192 4650 |
North Macedonia | Elektroterm | Clothing | Vinogradi Ludbredski 72 42230 Ludbreg Republik Kroatien | +385-42-81 91 21 |
North Macedonia | Commerce trgovina d.o.o. | Industries | Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija | +386 (0) 1 474 11 00 |
Montenegro | Elektroterm | Clothing | Vinogradi Ludbredski 72 42230 Ludbreg Republik Kroatien | +385-42-81 91 21 |
Montenegro | Commerce trgovina d.o.o. | Industries | Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija | +386 (0) 1 474 11 00 |
Netherlands | B.L.W. Visser B.V | Industries | Postbus 36 7500 AA Enschede Niederlande | +31 53 431 96 61 |
Austria | otto kühnen vienna | Clothing & Industries | Liechtensteinstraße 63, 1090 Vienna, Austria | +43 1 31356-0 |
Philippines | PACMAC | Clothing | 23 Edsa, Guadalupe Metro Manila 1200 Makati City Philippines | 0063-882-3-37 bis 84 |
Poland | Biuro BIS | Clothing & Industries | ul. Konstantynowska 34 94-303 Lódz | +48 609 666 450 |
Portugal | AVW SYSTEMTECHNIK IBERICA, S.L. | Clothing & Industries | Av/ Gregorio Gea, 48-4 46920 Mislata (Valencia) | +34 609 468 077 |
Romania | otto kühnen vienna | Clothing & Industries | Liechtensteinstraße 63, 1090 Vienna, Austria | +43 1 31356-0 |
Serbia | Elektroterm | Clothing | Vinogradi Ludbredski 72 42230 Ludbreg Republik Kroatien | +385-42-81 91 21 |
Serbia | Commerce trgovina d.o.o. | Industries | Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija | +386 (0) 1 474 11 00 |
Slovakia | otto kühnen praha | Clothing & Industries | Boleslavka 3, 25001 Brandys n.L./Stara Boleslav, Czech Republic | +420 326 396080 |
Slovenia | Commerce trgovina d.o.o. | Industries | Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija | +386 (0) 1 474 11 00 |
South Africa | Aldomar Engineering Solutions | Clothing & Industries | 157 Main Road, 7140 Strand, South Africa | +27 833256219 |
South Korea | Samjin Solution Co., Ltd. | Industries | 4th Fl, Pureun Bldg, 28-1, Jamwon-Dong 137-030 Seocho-Ku, Sedoul Korea | +82-2-515 1500 |
Spain | AVW SYSTEMTECHNIK IBERICA, S.L. | Clothing & Industries | Av/ Gregorio Gea, 48-4 46920 Mislata (Valenica) | +34 609 468 077 |
Sri Lanka | Lapp Trading (Cey) Ltd. | Clothing | 88C, Galle Road Dehiwala Sri Lanka | 0094-11-4208456-9 |
Thailand | Ankor Chemicals Co., Ltd. | Industries | 11th Floor, Unit 2, Silom Complex Bldg., 191 Silom Rd.,Silom, Bangrak 10500 Bangkok Thailand | +662 632 1086 |
Tunesia | CMC Compagnie Méditerranéenne de Commerce | Clothing | Rue 13001, Zone Industrielle Ksar Said, 2086 Manouba, Tunesia | +216-71547407 |
USA | Meyer USA, LLC | Clothing & Industries | 21 Long Meadow Road Riverside, CT 06878, U.S.A. | 001-203-637 9349 |
USA | Seraco, Inc. | Industries | 2616 Creek Manor Drive, Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173, U.S.A. | 001 704 219 6725 |
Vietnam | Ankor Chemicals Co., Ltd. | Industries | 11th Floor, Unit 2, Silom Complex Bldg., 191 Silom Rd.,Silom, Bangrak 10500 Bangkok Thailand | +662-632 1086 |
If you want to visit company Meyer and stay overnight, we recommend two hotels which are only a few minutes by car from us. We can also arrange a pick-up service from an airport or train station for you.
Resort Die Wutzschleife
Hillstett 40
92444 Rötz
+49 9976 18 0
+49 9976 18 18 0
Panorama Hotel am See
Gütenland 22
92431 Neunburg v. Wald
+49 9672 9219 0
+49 9672 9219 40